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  2. Account & Billing

How do I access my OneTapConnect account?

As the account owner, you may login to your OneTapConnect account from our website home page using 2 options; "Magic" login link or the good old password.

PLEASE NOTE: Only the company account owner (the person who place the order) have an account on the OneTapConnect platform.

Team members do not need an account. To activate or request an update to their microsite, they simply need to submit a support ticket.

When you placed your original order,  an email was sent to you confirming your account has been created. Within this email, a link allowing you to set a password (optional) was included.

Although the password is optional as you may login using our "magic login link" option, it is recommended to set up a password if you plan to give access to the account to another person, as they may not have access to your email.

The email address used at checkout is what identify you on our platform.

To login into your account using our "Magic" login link:

  1. Go to our main site OneTapConnect.com
  2. Click on "login" on the top right.
  3. Enter your email (the one used to place your original order) in the first "Email address" field and click the "Send Login Link" button.
  4. You'll receive an email with a link to automatically login into your OneTapConnect account.

Magic login link


To login into your account using your password:

  1. Go to our main site OneTapConnect.com
  2. Click on "login" on the top right.
  3. In the bottom section of the login form, enter your email and password, and click the "Log In" link.

**Note that you may reset your password from the login form.

Password reset link